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“Your Hair Looks Beautiful”

Writer: RavephotoRavephoto

Updated: Dec 30, 2019

Sometimes I write poems

The way you carry yourself tells the world so much about you

The way you attempt to change your appearance tells the world you are unsure of yourself

The way you hold back everything on your mind tells others you are not confident with who you are

Those are things I’ve came to understand about myself over the years of constantly trying to look the part, act the way you wanted me to in front of th others, and change the parts of me I was born with

So many women around me have done this to and today without mentioning a thing you amazed me

Today you’ve surprising gave me a small amount of confidence back just by expressing to me

Today you called me beautiful and it was without makeup on, without a fancy or stylish attire, with my hair down and all over the place

Today was a reminder that I don’t have to look like a Instagram workout model to be beautiful


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