RAVe Photo, I am asked to often what it is my “brand” or my name stands for. I know so many artists who steer clear of having a secret identity if you would, but I started my “art” and photography journey at a very young age and I did not want to fully give out details regarding who I was. My brand name stands for Rebecca Annette Vazquez entertainment, the word photo was added after due to the clarity that I was once strictly in the realm of photography. This all began roughly ten years ago. Now ten years later I am struggling to refined that title for myself. But clearly I do much more than that, I am a videographer at time and even graphic designer, which was all self taught. Yes my educational career did do some supporting but it was all through experience that I have truly gained knowledge from.
I have recently become unemployed which has left me with an extreme amount of time for me to “Find Myself” but for the past 2 months I have done nothing of the sort and in my opinion have done less of what I have done in the past 10 years in digital arts. I have done nothing but apply to jobs, get rejected, and try to maintain a leveled head as I find myself creating DIY projects I have found on Pintrest. For me, this is my lowest point because I have not picked up my camera confidently in over 2 months.
So here is to the new year. A challenge to myself to be more active, be more creative, and in reality just love life in anyway I can. I will be posting daily on what I do regardless of how big or small. This could include my daily life as a Dog Mom, someone struggling to be more confident in their body image, an independent woman learning to depend on others, a 25 year old trying to figure out her future, and as I learn how to engulf myself in the marriage life preparing for a wedding.
With all this being said, here's to 2020. And here's to the first time- living on my own as a married woman with a dog by her side, in a new city- where is snowed for the second time this year in over more than a few decades.