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Dear 2019

Writer: RavephotoRavephoto

I’ve been sick lately and I had plans to write a new poem because thats something I normally do when I feel like crap but I couldn’t get around to it. (also why I’m late on a day of posting - I’ll post another poem later today) So heres ones that i still read to myself from time to time.

Dear - you,

I haven’t wrote to you in a while and I’m sorry

I’ve been so caught up in the angst of the world I forgot you came first

You’ve been waiting long enough to hear from me, haven’t you?

My anxiety has been getting the best of me, making me feel like I can’t let out my feelings

I’m afraid it’s to late for me

Afraid it’s to late for me to be who I’ve always wanted

Afraid I should just give in to the social norm that everyone thinks I should

Stay close to home

Stay with your mother

Stay quiet

Be just a teacher

Be just a wife

Be just a mother

I’ve recently begin to see what truly could be my future and I’m hesitant to want to it

Whoever created this illusion that we have to only search for happy endings is ridiculous

For so long I wanted this unrealistic and predetermined life style

Wake up, go to work, cook, clean, go to bed


Wake up, go to work, cook, clean, go to bed

I never thought that was going to be something so utterly difficult to achieve

I’m still trying though

So much of who I want to be is clashing with so much of who I don’t want anything to do with

I hope this small token of what I’ve been thinking brings you ease that I have not forgot you

I hope it reminds you that I am still alive, trying to survive

I hope it helps you see life through my eyes one more time


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