Today I had the chance to do something my body has been itching for, for months. I have been missing the outdoors and taking photos for entertainment or for myself for way to long.

These photos are just a start to what I want to continue doing. I plan to find as many locations nearby that I can hike or walk, taking photos. I love the outdoors and going on hikes/walks have always been something I’ve done in the past.
Throughout this year alone I’ve done some extreme traveling in my opinion but it’s nothing compared to what I want to do in the future. Being outside has always given me some sort of nostalgic feeling and motivation to keep me going. I use hike once or twice a week but now I haven’t had the emotional energy to do so. But this year all of that is going to change.
My plans for upcoming adventures are:
-mountains nearby
-Lancaster National Woodland Preserve (again)
-parks nearby
-Grand Canyon